BIG Birthday Everything Nice Card
BIG Birthday Everything Nice Card
BIG Birthday Everything Nice Card

MYR 29.80

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Double the size of your brightest wishes of "Happy Birthday" with our personalized BIG 'Birthday Everything Nice” custom message card. A perfect accompaniment with your gift especially someone who is a fashion aficionado.

Card Type :224g Textured White Matte
Cardstock, Double Side
Card Dimensions :38 x 27 cm (w x h)(unfold)
Printing Process :Digital Press
Fonts Shown : Final printed fonts will follow actual fonts shown.
Envelopes :Include with printed recipient's name

This add-on item excludes delivery charges and can only be purchased with another gift or flowers. Otherwise your card will be sent via courier (2 working days) with additional charge.

 Add on-Price without delivery: RM29
 Price with delivery via courier: RM39

Declare your heartfelt sentiments and make your delivery shine with our personalized message card. Your personal message and your recipient's name will be printed with the selected design and fonts. Please note that your gift and flowers will still come with your message but with our free PPG's message card even if you did not choose to use our designer's ranges of Personalized Greeting Cards.

Don’t know what to write? We know how it’s like when you are loss of words when it comes to expressing your feelings. Check out our Creative Messages for some ideas to start and we will have it printed neatly in your personalized card.

UNIQUE. INSPIRING. Our emails aren’t like other emails.